These are photos I took on March 20, 2017 in southeastern Arizona. It features: The Lehner Mammoth Kills Site is a "Clovis" site in the San Pedro Valley in southeastern Arizona. The activity at the site is estimates to be about 13,000 years old. There were old charred wood sites which can be easily dated using radiocarbon dating techniques. Scientists have found quite a few Clovis era spear points and other tools. While the site remains mostly undeveloped as far as tourists are concerned, it is one of the most famous sites in North America to Palentologists. - The Murray Springs Clovis Site is another Clovis site believed to be dated back to 13,000 years ago. - The Millville Site and Petroglyphs - Millville came into being in 1879 in order to process the ore coming from the silver mines in Tombstone. It was eventually abandoned around 1886, when processing moved to Tombstone. The petroglyphs are believed to be Hohokam from about 2,000 years ago. - Tombstone, Arizona is the town too tough to die. It is the home of the famous Gunfight at the OK Corral. It is also the source of many other legends of the American west. - There are other photos, as well.

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